We attended the two Branches that meet at the Blantyre chapel yesterday. One meets at 8 and one at 10. We had invited the man that is the foreman here at our compound where we live and he said he'd come. He oversees the building etc. here. We almost had given up hope but he walked in with his wife and daughter after the talks had begun. They stayed through Sunday School. The Sacrament talks were good and the Sunday School investigator's class was really good and the teacher did an excellent job. This family is the kind that live behind the brick walls (for security) that the missionaries can never get to. We wish we could get inside those walls and reach those people as they have the leadership skills that are so needed. We will pray that he felt the spirit and will want to learn more. He knows Pres. Chimyumba, our District President, as they went to school together. We may have to arrange to have both couples over for supper one night.
Anyway -- it was funny to see him pull out his I-pad and bring up his Bible. We just don't see too many of those here - actually none, except Padovich's and Prete's. We just have to get him to want to add the B Of M etc. onto his I-pad.
He is a good man. He is the one who has helped us get diesel from Mozambique.
It's been an okay day. We realized we haven't been checking the missionary flats for a while. We went in a couple last week and found that they were not very clean so we left a list of thing that needed to be done. We went back today and checked and they had done quite a bit but they still didn't earn a big chocolate chip cookie each that I had made. The Zone leaders and the Sisters got cookies though.
I actually sat down and fell asleep this afternoon. I haven't done that for a very long time. I was feeling a bit off - I guess I was tired as I felt better after.
It has been a bit rainy and cloudy lately. We hope the crops are getting the rain they need. It's going to be iffy! The rain cools things off a bit but we are sleeping with the air conditioner on and that really helps.
All is well. Love, Elder & Sister Bullock
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